local communities

Canada and PEI Sign Agreement in Principle to Deepen Collaboration on Planting 2 Billion Trees Nationally

Canada and PEI Sign Agreement in Principle to Deepen Collaboration on Planting 2 Billion Trees Nationally

Prince Edward Island is focused on creating new forests by planting currently unforested areas and riparian zones, along with supporting municipalities with urban planting. In the wake of the extreme weather the province has faced, it is also necessary to incorporate replanting of hurricane-damaged areas. These actions will contribute to the province's climate change adaptation and net-zero goals and while supporting biodiversity, air and water quality, erosion control and wildlife habitat.

Healthy rivers: How DNA tool can help keep tabs on freshwater quality

Healthy rivers: How DNA tool can help keep tabs on freshwater quality

In Canada, these watersheds are vast and often inaccessible, making it difficult to monitor the health of these ecosystems. But with the help of a new tool, scientists and community members are collecting data to better understand the state of Canada’s rivers.