Ministry of Education

Lead in drinking water at some Quebec schools still exceeds Health Canada guideline

Lead in drinking water at some Quebec schools still exceeds Health Canada guideline

About a year after the Quebec government released a report on the levels of lead in the drinking water in schools, some school boards have yet to make all the necessary repairs. Among the reasons cited for the delays are government financing issues, labour shortages at plumbing and water testing companies, difficulty procuring parts and the pandemic.

Lead in school water: Quebec chemists dispute testing method and results

Lead in school water: Quebec chemists dispute testing method and results

In 2019, the Quebec government asked public and private educational institutions to analyze the concentration of lead in drinking water using portable devices called "Kemio Heavy Metals." OCQ president, Michel Alsayegh, deplored the use of this type of device, citing "a significant risk of false negatives, which is worrisome for the health of children and staff." "As early as 2019, when we met with the office of the Minister of Education, we had expressed doubts about the reliability of the results with this type of instrument," said Alsayegh in an interview with The Canadian Press.