Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Deep water temperatures hit 'scary' highs in Gulf of St. Lawrence

Deep water temperatures hit 'scary' highs in Gulf of St. Lawrence

A decade-long warming trend in the Gulf of St. Lawrence continued in 2020 with deep waters reaching record highs, according to ocean climate data released Tuesday by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Water temperatures at depths of 200, 250 and 300 metres were higher than any measured in the Gulf since records started in 1915, hitting highs of 5.7 C, 6.6 C and 6.8 C. All were well above the normal variations.

DFO considers release of toxins to control an invasive species in Miramichi Lake

DFO considers release of toxins to control an invasive species in Miramichi Lake

Officials at Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans are weighing in on a troublesome question. Should they allow a healthy lake to be poisoned — even temporarily — to avert a potential disaster for the Miramichi River's wild Atlantic salmon? That question became urgent this fall with the discovery of dozens of smallmouth bass had appeared in Miramichi's southwest branch.