research project

A tsunami in Jasper? How falling ice nearly caused a 'mass casualty' event

A tsunami in Jasper? How falling ice nearly caused a 'mass casualty' event

A federally funded research project is underway to find out if B.C. and Alberta are at risk of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF) due to climate change. The Weather Network's Connor O'Donavon has more on why GLOF represents a major hazard and how it can result in significant loss of life. Picture a wall of water suddenly rushing down a mountain valley towards you, giving you just seconds to react. That’s just what happened in 2012 at Mount Edith Cavell in Jasper National Park when the hanging Ghost Glacier fell into the glacial lake below. 

Research project aims to safeguard Great Lakes and your drinking water from harmful toxins

Research project aims to safeguard Great Lakes and your drinking water from harmful toxins

Rising global temperatures are causing harmful algal blooms in the Great Lakes which can lead to the emergence of three toxins in the water, according to the past president of the International Ozone Association. Saad Jasim, an adjunct professor at the University of Windsor, is preparing for a new research project to prevent these toxins from entering the drinking water supply.

These plants soak up nutrients from manure. They may make feedlot water clean enough to drink

These plants soak up nutrients from manure. They may make feedlot water clean enough to drink

On a feedlot in central Alberta, nearly 100 kilometres northeast of Calgary, researchers gathered to watch as floating islands were launched onto a pond created by runoff water. To people driving past on a nearby dirt road, it might not look like much. But the islands are the result of years of research and testing that could help the feedlot business recycle wastewater to the point where it could be used on crops or for cattle. And it could go beyond just that.

Water, water everywhere in Algoma U research project

Water, water everywhere in Algoma U research project

What does water mean to you? Researchers from Algoma University’s School of Business and Economics, in conjunction with Water Wise want to know. The groups are conducting community-based action research on Blue Economy and Freshwater Entrepreneurship that focuses on the economic development surrounding the nexus of the upper Great Lakes (Lake Superior, Lake Huron, and St. Mary’s River). The team is currently gathering this information through a survey called Blue Economy and Freshwater Entrepreneurship Survey, 2022, which will "recognize the challenges and opportunities to a sustainable Blue Economy," a press release issued by the university today states.

St. Lawrence College, Queen’s partner with water treatment firm

St. Lawrence College, Queen’s partner with water treatment firm

Two post-secondary institutions in Kingston, Ont., have partnered to work on a research project. St. Lawrence College and Queen’s University will work with Purafy Clean Technologies Inc., also of Kingston, to test the efficacy of the company’s water treatment system. The system has been installed at Kate’s Rest Foundation in Prince Edward County and will tell researchers about water and energy savings.