
Esquimalt residents without running water frustrated with lack of info about repairs

Esquimalt residents without running water frustrated with lack of info about repairs

Three children in Esquimalt, B.C., were wheeling totes full of water from a neighbouring condo building to their own home Monday morning. It was not how these three expected to begin their spring break. "We woke up on Saturday morning to rushing water, a basement full of water," said Hollie Johnson, owner of a condo at 877 Ellery St. in Esquimalt on Monday.

Water damage at TVDSB classroom sinks forces switch to sanitizer

Water damage at TVDSB classroom sinks forces switch to sanitizer

Students returning to class this week at schools in the Thames Valley District School Board will notice a change in protocol: Hand washing at classroom sinks is now a no-no. The new rule is a result of water damage board staff noticed in December on the cabinetry that surrounds classroom sinks. Last fall, students were washing their hands frequently as part of protocols to curb the spread of COVID-19. Students were using the classroom sinks so much, the wood cabinetry was being stained and discoloured due to water damage.