new water strategy

Manitoba dives into new water strategy but won't dip toe into new pricing scheme

Manitoba dives into new water strategy but won't dip toe into new pricing scheme

It also doesn't include any mention of a new water pricing structure that the strategy unveiled last November and said the province should consider. Klein wouldn't entertain questions on why the province abandoned the idea, saying instead that the action plan released Wednesday is the result of discussions with stakeholders. In the area of conservation, the plan calls on Manitoba to look at ways to reduce water use through improved food processing practices.

In time of climate crisis, Manitoba unveils new water strategy

In time of climate crisis, Manitoba unveils new water strategy

From nutrient-rich wetlands and 100,000 lakes to a dry southern region and an Arctic port, Manitoba is a province defined by water — after all, nearly a fifth of the province is covered in it. Now, in an update nearly 20 years in the waiting, the Manitoba government has released a strategy to manage its water resources — factoring in the impacts of a warming climate for the first time.