crumbling infrastructure

Indigenous leaders launch $2.1 billion class-action lawsuits against Canada over lack of drinking water

Indigenous leaders launch $2.1 billion class-action lawsuits against Canada over lack of drinking water

Amid mounting frustration, Whetung and other Indigenous leaders have launched national class-action lawsuits against the federal government. Arguing the federal government failed to provide clean water and forced communities to live in a manner “consistent with life in developing countries” they are suing the government for $2.1 billion damages — the costs associated with years of bottled water trucked and a water treatment system for the whole community.

The secret of Whitefish River First Nation's award winning drinking water

The secret of Whitefish River First Nation's award winning drinking water

While some remote Indigenous communities are still struggling with boil water advisories and crumbling infrastructure, a community north of Manitoulin Island has some of the best drinking water in the province. Since 2012, Whitefish River First Nation has won the Water Taste Challenge five times. The award is handed out to the First Nation with the cleanest water. It's an honour that community members take pride in.