climate impacts

Coal built Grande Cache, Alta. But plans for a new mine don't sit well with some residents

Coal built Grande Cache, Alta. But plans for a new mine don't sit well with some residents

In Grande Cache, at a packed open house about the proposed mine held in July, questions about its environmental impact are top of mind for many in attendance. Maxim Power, the company pitching the new project, says that the mine will be underground, meaning local water will be more protected than in a surface mine.

Become a volunteer monitor to protect Lakes in Canada

Become a volunteer monitor to protect Lakes in Canada

Got a favourite lake? Want to help protect it? Lakes in Canada are threatened by habitat loss, invasive species, pollution, and climate impacts like rising water temperatures. The National Lake Blitz is an annual citizen-science program that encourages the widespread monitoring of lakes using simple tools. Through monitoring, participants learn about the impacts affecting lake health and get inspired to protect them.

Well water fears prompt calls to halt proposed bottling plant near B.C. village

Well water fears prompt calls to halt proposed bottling plant near B.C. village

Angie Kane knows how important well water is when you live in the heart of dry, rural B.C. For 17 years, she lived on a ranch outside Clinton, a semi-desert village about 120 kilometres northwest of Kamloops. Many residents who live outside municipal boundaries draw water from aquifers. For Kane, the arid climate always kept the importance of her water supply top of mind. "That is the biggest concern, for anyone who has a well, is will it dry up? Or will it go away?" she told CBC News.