Water Technologies & Services

H2O Innovation Awarded Six New Water Treatment Projects, Totalling $9.4 M

H2O Innovation Awarded Six New Water Treatment Projects, Totalling $9.4 M

The Corporation was awarded two First Nations projects in Northern Alberta, Canada. The first contract involves a drinking water rental system to provide water for the community of Garden River while the full-scale drinking water project is being completed. The other project is for an emergency expansion of the John D’Or drinking water plant to accommodate the needs of communities that have been displaced by the recent wildfires. “It is essential that our Indigenous communities have access to reliable drinking water and wastewater treatment equipment. Our service team has prioritized the rapid deployment in support of Indigenous Services Canada and the local communities,” stated Frédéric Dugré, President, Chief Executive Officer and co-Founder of H2O Innovation. This project has already commenced and is expected to be completed in July 2023.

H2O Innovation Awarded $5.5 M of New Water and Wastewater Treatment Projects

H2O Innovation Awarded $5.5 M of New Water and Wastewater Treatment Projects

H2O Innovation Inc. (“H2O Innovation” or the “Corporation”) is pleased to announce that its Water Technologies & Services (WTS) business line has recently been awarded five new water and wastewater treatment projects, including four industrial projects. These new contracts, with a total value of $5.5 M, increase the WTS backlog to $54.8 M. The first recent award is with a data center management customer that the Corporation is currently engaged with on existing projects. This repeat customer is located in the Northwest region of the US. The project includes a 2.0 MGD (7,500 m3/day) treatment system with two primary ultrafiltration (UF) trains and one secondary UF train for the treatment of backwash wastewater, which will allow for an exceptionally high recovery of greater than 98%. This new equipment is in line with the customer’s objective to reduce its water footprint and thus become more water positive (Source: IDA). This project is expected to be completed over the next 12 months.

H2O Innovation Wins a Water Reuse Project and Two First Nations Projects

H2O Innovation Wins a Water Reuse Project and Two First Nations Projects

H2O Innovation Inc. (“H2O Innovation” or the “Corporation”) is pleased to announce that it has recently won a water reuse project in California, two First Nations projects in Canada and another small-scale one. These contracts, with a total value of $9.9 M, bring the Water Technologies & Services (“WTS”) backlog to $41.2 M. H2O Innovation will be supplying a water reuse system for a major client located in Escondido, California. This project will incorporate ultrafiltration (“UF”) system followed by reverse osmosis (“RO”). The UF will be designed to have a net filtrate production capacity of 2.5 MGD (9,460 m3/day), while the RO has a permeate capacity of 2.0 MGD (7,570 m3/day). The system will treat tertiary effluent from the existing recycled water system to produce high purity recycled water that will be blended with the existing recycled water supply and used for agricultural irrigation.