Garden River

H2O Innovation Awarded Six New Water Treatment Projects, Totalling $9.4 M

H2O Innovation Awarded Six New Water Treatment Projects, Totalling $9.4 M

The Corporation was awarded two First Nations projects in Northern Alberta, Canada. The first contract involves a drinking water rental system to provide water for the community of Garden River while the full-scale drinking water project is being completed. The other project is for an emergency expansion of the John D’Or drinking water plant to accommodate the needs of communities that have been displaced by the recent wildfires. “It is essential that our Indigenous communities have access to reliable drinking water and wastewater treatment equipment. Our service team has prioritized the rapid deployment in support of Indigenous Services Canada and the local communities,” stated Frédéric Dugré, President, Chief Executive Officer and co-Founder of H2O Innovation. This project has already commenced and is expected to be completed in July 2023.

COVID-19 outbreak in rural Alberta First Nation exacerbated by social inequities, doctors say

COVID-19 outbreak in rural Alberta First Nation exacerbated by social inequities, doctors say

A COVID-19 outbreak in a First Nation in rural Alberta is exposing social inequities that make the spread of the virus quick, and recovery slow, according to doctors and community leaders. Sewepagaham said there are many reasons the virus is spreading quickly, including a lack of health-care staff, boil water advisories and overcrowding of homes. Sewepagaham said the community is constantly on and off boil water advisories, making it difficult for people to stay healthy.