B.C.'s Sunshine Coast

OPINION w/VIDEO: Salmon die and people lose their water as B.C. sleepwalks into yet another crisis

OPINION w/VIDEO: Salmon die and people lose their water as B.C. sleepwalks into yet another crisis

On Tuesday, an emotional call came into our Chilliwack office, along with a video that was hard to watch. A small school of coho salmon struggled to push from one tiny pool of water to another in a futile effort to spawn. The cool, clean water they needed to survive and lay their eggs was nowhere to be found. Scenes like this are playing out across B.C. as this record-setting drought kills salmon, trees and other flora and fauna en masse.

How drought is taking its toll on Canada’s normally “wet” coast

How drought is taking its toll on Canada’s normally “wet” coast

By this time of year, the so-called ‘wet coast’ of Canada should be blustery, wet and cold — some would even say miserable. Vancouver should be living up to its reputation as “Raincouver.” Fall colours, along with the downpours, should be in full swing. But coastal British Columbia has not had significant rain since July. The leaves on the trees are yellow and orange — and hanging by a thread because they’re completely dried out.