Total Chlorine Analysis for Elementary Operation Water Drop

Total Chlorine Analysis for Elementary Operation Water Drop

To determine the total chlorine concentration in your local drinking water. Find two different locations (drinking water fountain, tap water from the gym etc.) and sample the water into cups provided, label the cups from where the water came before you sample.    

Watch the Webinar About How to Use the High School Operation Water Drop Kit in Your Classroom

Watch the Webinar About How to Use the High School Operation Water Drop Kit in Your Classroom

Tips and advice regarding how to use the High School Operation Water Drop kit in your classroom. There are two methods to go about it - in one method different groups of students test for different components in all of the water samples, in the other method each group of students tests for all of the different components in one water sample.

What is Safe Drinking Water? (High School)

What is Safe Drinking Water? (High School)

Groundwater - found below the ground where it accumulates in between soil and rocks. The volume of water can range from small to very large similar to above ground creeks, rivers and lakes, found in bodies of water that resemble underground lakes called aquifers.

High School Operation Water Drop Data Sheet

High School Operation Water Drop Data Sheet

Students enter their test results for the five water samples. Students enter their results for alkalinity, ammonia, arsenic, colour analysis, copper, iron, manganese, nitrate, pH, sulphate, total chlorine and total hardness.

Alkalinity Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

Alkalinity Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

There is no Canadian Drinking Water Guideline for Alkalinity in drinking water, but it is an important characteristic of the water and if your local community water is less than the LLS then the water may be quite corrosive, which may result in increased levels of copper and lead leached out from household plumbing. 

Alkalinity Analysis Instructions for High School in PowerPoint and Video Format

Alkalinity Analysis Instructions for High School in PowerPoint and Video Format

1.  Cover the area that you are working on with paper and use gloves as the Methyl Purple Indicator that you will be using may stain. 2. Label the 5 plastic cups as follows:  #1 Alkalinity LLS, #2 Urban Treated Water, #3 Rural Treated Water, #4 Untreated Raw Water, #5 Local Community Treated Water. 

Arsenic Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

Arsenic Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

Please Note: If high levels of hydrogen sulphide are present in the water sample (as is the case with some raw water samples) please expose the water sample to air for eight hours before doing the arsenic test in order to prevent an arsenic test "eruption" in your classroom!

Colour Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

Colour Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

The Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines has an aesthetic objective of 15 TCU (True Colour Units) for drinking water; you will see and compare the different water sources. The 15 TCU (True Colour Units) is the concentration of the Canadian Guideline sample.