water quality and quantity

UNESCO reaffirms threats to Canada's largest national park; calls for action on oilsands

UNESCO reaffirms threats to Canada's largest national park; calls for action on oilsands

A United Nations body has affirmed earlier findings that Canada's largest national park remains under environmental threats from dams, oilsands development and climate change. The UNESCO report, issued Friday, concludes that the vast Wood Buffalo National Park on the Alberta-Northwest Territories boundary shouldn't lose its place on the list of World Heritage Sites at this time. Some things in the park, such as whooping crane numbers, are improving.

Aussie Coal Mines Pose Big Threat to Southern Alberta’s Water: Study

Aussie Coal Mines Pose Big Threat to Southern Alberta’s Water: Study

A new scientific study on controversial metallurgical coal mines being proposed in southern Alberta’s famed eastern slopes says that the open-pit mines will leave a massive and irreversible footprint on water quality and quantity in the arid region. “Our study has identified significant risks to water quality and quantity and biological diversity in the Oldman River watershed,” Brad Stelfox, the lead author, told The Tyee. Stelfox is the province’s most prominent land use ecologist and founder of the ALCES group which models impact of human activity on natural systems over time.