sewage treatment

Six Nations moving to second phase in waste water upgrades

Six Nations moving to second phase in waste water upgrades

Six Nations is moving into phase two in its wastewater facilities upgrade. Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) approved payment of a little over $382,000 for the project at its Finance Committee meeting on November 7. The project will replace a pressurized sewage pipe with a larger, 932-metre pipe through horizontal drilling that will connect the lift station to three lagoons. Replacing this pipe, which runs from Fourth Line to the lagoons behind the public works building will speed up sewage treatment.

The Watershed: Ever-changing Grand River

The Watershed: Ever-changing Grand River

It might feel like the Grand River is an ever-constant, natural connection to our rural past as this region grows and urbanizes. But look a little more closely, and you'll see a river that's constantly evolving. We have left our imprint on the river, just as much as it's left it's imprint on our region. In the 19th century, European settlement reduced the river's natural water flows by converting thousands of hectares of forest and wetlands into farmland.