protecting the environment

Canada has a responsibility to safely manage nuclear waste for generations — here’s the plan

Canada has a responsibility to safely manage nuclear waste for generations — here’s the plan

Canada’s own deep geological repository would be built more than 500 metres underground, surrounded by a natural barrier of solid rock that has been disconnected from the water table for millions of years. To visualize that depth, imagine an excavation more than five times as deep as the House of Commons Peace Tower is tall. The NWMO has been working to identify a site for the deep geological repository since 2010. Twenty-two municipalities and Indigenous communities expressed interest in exploring their potential to host it.

Protecting the environment should be everyone's 2022 resolution

Protecting the environment should be everyone's 2022 resolution

That walk had me questioning what it will take for people to recycle properly, or if people even know current recycling dos and don’ts. After seeing containers with food particles still stuck to them, paint cans and everything in between, I wondered if we are winning or losing the battle on recycling. And why do some homes still have seemingly hundreds of single-use plastic water bottles filling their recycling bins?