perimeter drains

Prepare for heavy rain combined with snowmelt

Prepare for heavy rain combined with snowmelt

Protect your home: Protect your home from potential floods by clearing out gutters, maintaining perimeter drains, making sure downspouts are far enough away from your residence and checking that nearby stormwater drains on your street are free of leaves and blockage. Sandbags also help and can be available by local government. Store valuables and important items or documents in water-tight containers or in higher places, such as on a tall shelf or upper floor.

Why 'unwanted water' in London, Ont. sewers is a pricey problem and a big flood factor

Why 'unwanted water' in London, Ont. sewers is a pricey problem and a big flood factor

It's a problem that's costing the City of London about $1.4-million a year while adding to the risk of basement flooding. The engineering term is "inflow infiltration," but a report coming to the city's Civic Works committee on Tuesday uses a simpler one: Unwanted water. Essentially, it's water that ends up in the city's sewer system that shouldn't be there.