national campaign

Shining a spotlight on the work of public health inspectors

Shining a spotlight on the work of public health inspectors

“The work we do is proactive, science-based, and essential to keeping your water, food, land, air and facilities safe,” explained Lisa Fortuna, Director, Health Protection with Durham Region Health Department, and the current president of the Ontario Branch of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors. “Public health inspectors play an active and key role to ensure that food we eat is safe, checking that water is safe to drink and use, providing infection prevention and control guidance, and case and contact management for many diseases. Our work often goes unnoticed as many times we are behind the scenes working to keep the public safe.”

Londoners asked to blitz their neighbourhoods to get rid of cigarette butts

Londoners asked to blitz their neighbourhoods to get rid of cigarette butts

As sunshine starts to warm up the city, melting snow is revealing all kinds of litter, including massive amounts of cigarette butts discarded over the winter. For the first time, London's Environmental Network has signed the city up for a Butt Blitz, a national campaign to get as much of the disgusting litter off the street during the month of April. "For the month, we encourage people to pick up cigarette butts and at the end of the month to drop them off at a location and we'll send them off to get recycled," said the networks head, Skylar Franke.