flush the toilet

Poverty, safety and city services: Winnipeggers weigh in on what they want to see from the next mayor

Poverty, safety and city services: Winnipeggers weigh in on what they want to see from the next mayor

Head said he understands what it's like to live in poverty in Winnipeg — he has his whole life. He's frustrated that at his age, he's still been unable to escape it. He's been out of a job since mid-2021, and is still searching for one. The latest challenge he's facing is a water shutoff at the Furby Street house he currently rents. He and his roommate collect water in rain buckets to flush the toilet, and he has a hose attached to his neighbour's water line that allows him to use their water sparingly.

Lead water filters, jugs, returned by some Thunder Bay, Ont., homeowners

Lead water filters, jugs, returned by some Thunder Bay, Ont., homeowners

A plan to distribute free water jugs and filters to properties with lead pipes or connections has hit a blockage. Some of the property owners are returning the jugs and filters to stores for a refund. Once the jug and filter is distributed, it's up to the water consumer to decide if they want to use it, said Michelle Warywoda, the director of Thunder Bay's environment division.