critical services

Canadian legislation aims to improve infrastructure cybersecurity. Lobbying against cyberflashing. EPA urged to focus on protecting water system. Update: US Federal privacy legislation.

Canadian legislation aims to improve infrastructure cybersecurity. Lobbying against cyberflashing. EPA urged to focus on protecting water system. Update: US Federal privacy legislation.

Referring to US water and wastewater systems as the “weakest link” in the country’s critical infrastructure, water sector leaders on Wednesday urged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to focus on better regulating the cybersecurity of these critical services. According to Mark Montgomery, executive director of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission and senior director of the Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, the EPA only has around $7 million in its annual budget dedicated to water sector cybersecurity, a far cry from the $45 million the Solarium Commission recommended the EPA earmark for the Office of Water. explains that for the 2023 fiscal year, the EPA is requesting $4 billion for the water sector, and EPA Administrator Michael Regan told Congress that includes $50 million to support resiliency and sustainability initiatives, $25 million to improve cyber capabilities, and $35 million to provide technical assistance.