
Fluoride Debate Trickles Down From Calgary To Strathmore

Fluoride Debate Trickles Down From Calgary To Strathmore

On Monday the City of Calgary debated and approved the reintroduction of fluoride to their water treatment. This week it was revealed that once Calgary updates its fluoridation equipment, in the next 18 to 24 months, Strathmore’s drinking water will include fluoride within Health Canada’s Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality limits. Fluoride was removed from the city drinking water in 2011, but in 2019 Calgary began discussions about the reintroduction of fluoride. Strathmore receives its water from Calgary. Earlier in 2021, the Town of Strathmore council debated the topic at a Committee of the Whole meeting.

Strathmore left out of Calgary fluoride debate

Strathmore left out of Calgary fluoride debate

Despite receiving its water from Calgary through a regional system, Strathmore has been left out of discussions about reintroducing fluoride to the city’s potable water. In 2011, Calgary water fluoridation was discontinued. But in 2019, the City of Calgary started discussions about adding fluoride to the city’s water supply once again. A report to Calgary city council was presented on Dec. 14, 2020, stating that adding fluoride to the water supply would cost about $30 million over two decades, including about $10.1 million in capital expenses, about $1 million per year in operating and maintenance costs, and about $2 million to $4 million in upgrades over that period. The report stated an associated change in water utility rates or service levels are not anticipated, though this is not guaranteed.