Report finds leaks in Halifax Water cybersecurity systems

Report finds leaks in Halifax Water cybersecurity systems

An audit of Halifax Water by the Halifax Regional Municipality's auditor general has found deficiencies in the utility's cybersecurity, including employees clicking links in emails. As part of the audit, an email purporting to be from a legitimate source with a link, known as a phishing email, was sent to 55 employees of the utility to test their awareness of security protocols. According to the report, 45 employees clicked a link in the email and provided their credentials. Three others clicked the link but did not submit their credentials. Auditor General Evangeline Colman-Sadd's audit looked at supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and made 21 recommendations for improving security. 

GoAigua and WatSyn Solutions Join Forces to Help Canadian Water and Wastewater Utilities Unify Digital Infrastructure

GoAigua and WatSyn Solutions Join Forces to Help Canadian Water and Wastewater Utilities Unify Digital Infrastructure

GoAigua Inc., a smart water technology company, and WatSyn Solutions Inc., a trusted digital solutions provider, recently announced a strategic partnership to help utilities in Canada advance digital transformation. GoAigua’s proven software and analytics platform delivers full connectivity across utilities, simplifying the path to digital transformation. GoAigua eliminates silos of information from SCADA, GIS, ERP, AMI/AMR, CMMS, IoT Sensors, and more – providing a holistic, real-time view of the status of processes and infrastructure. With advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, utilities can identify and reduce non-revenue water, plan for capital expenditures, improve operational efficiency, and ensure high levels of customer satisfaction. GoAigua offers predictive, actionable data insights, and one of the world’s first fully operational Digital Twins.