Municipal and Community Affairs Minister Shane Thompson

N.W.T. premier 'heartbroken' after witnessing aftermath of Hay River flooding

N.W.T. premier 'heartbroken' after witnessing aftermath of Hay River flooding

After visiting Hay River, N.W.T., Premier Caroline Cochrane said she felt "heartbroken" witnessing the destruction caused by the flooding. The community of nearly 4,000 was evacuated in mid-May as flood waters rose, causing widespread damage. Residents have been returning over the past week to discover the condition of their homes. "Some of the homes and properties are fine. Other properties, minimal damage. But some properties were devastated. They're totally gone. And the water lines up to above their windows," said Cochrane.

N.W.T. has no extra money to assist Behchokǫ̀ with failing water infrastructure

N.W.T. has no extra money to assist Behchokǫ̀ with failing water infrastructure

The N.W.T. government says the Behchokǫ̀ community government, which includes Rae, Edzo and Frank Channel, is responsible for budgeting major repairs to its deteriorating water infrastructure. That's after residents in Edzo went weeks with brown water coming from their taps, or none at all. "This is a municipal government issue," said Municipal and Community Affairs Minister Shane Thompson.