Mother Nature

Sask. farmers could see relief from drought in coming weeks after abnormally dry April

Sask. farmers could see relief from drought in coming weeks after abnormally dry April

It is that time of year when farmers are heading into spring seeding season but Mother Nature still needs to play catch up. What was said to be the biggest snow storm in decades left behind plenty of snow for many southern parts of the province. Now there is more snow on the way and while many people are ready to put winter behind them, farmers are welcoming any extra moisture after last years’ drought.

Lake Manitoba shows off rare ice formations

Lake Manitoba shows off rare ice formations

Mother Nature has turned Lake Manitoba into a visual art project that has an ice expert in awe. What would typically be a flat, frozen surface has been turned into something more resembling pebbles and stones, as far as the eye can see. In another area, the water has crystallized into geometric lines that look like someone spilled a box of toothpicks or needles on the ground and they froze there.