Health Canada's guidelines

Metro Vancouver's drinking water pH and alkalinity to increase this spring

Metro Vancouver's drinking water pH and alkalinity to increase this spring

Through the use of “natural materials,” the alkalinity of Metro Vancouver’s water will be doubled to about 20 mg/L, expressed as calcium carbonate. The region’s water pH will increase from the existing target of 7.7 to a new target range of 8.3 to 8.5. Health Canada’s guidelines for safe drinking water quality stipulates a pH range from 7.0 to 10.5. During the water treatment process, the regional district already adjusts the pH as the untreated source water is naturally slightly acidic.

City of Calgary cancels annual mail-outs, testing for lead in water due to COVID-19

City of Calgary cancels annual mail-outs, testing for lead in water due to COVID-19

She was surprised to find out her home had a public lead service line (LSL) delivering water from the city’s water mains — especially because she was pregnant while living there. “I freaked out,” Cohen says. “I called the city immediately, and I think they actually told me that they weren’t even sure if they could check our pipes, because I think it was the end of their cycle.”