Grade Eight Thematic Unit: Foreigners Invade Your Country Treaty Negotiation

Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Foreigners Invade Your Country Treaty Negotiation

Time Frame: 60 Minutes

Objectives: Students will be able to develop a treaty that will be offered to the foreigners to refuse, negotiate or accept. Students will realize that treaties are an agreement between two nations.

Methodology: Teacher Presentation, Small Group Work, Brainstorming, and Role Playing.


  • Teacher information presentation/handout
  • Simulation cards (from lesson one)
  • Chart Paper & Markers
  • Imagination
  • Initiative

Background Information: Students were given an opportunity to think about what they would do during a foreign invasion. Many students would probably like to fight off the foreigners and be victorious like the many movies shown in the theater. Instead, the foreigners they are dealing with send more troups upon death, you kill one, now you have four, etc. The best solution was to come to an agreement with the foreigners. Students must decide what is important for them to include in their treaty with the foreigners. While some students may still argue that they want to fight the foreigners, ensure them that is no longer a possible option and instead have them put all their energy into determining what they would like to include in their agreement with the foreigners.


  1. Teacher will read and review the information that is provided on the information sheet and discuss the foreign invasion scenario. Students will brainstorm in a large group about what they think are the most important things to include in their treaties with the foreigners. This information will not be written down. Students must abide by one of the main rules made by the foreigners; they are to follow the foreign religion, this is something that is non-negotiable. (15 Minutes).
  2. Students are divided into groups of five or more. Students take out their role playing scenario card. Remind the students that they are no longer discussing options, rather, they are to identify with their character and what they feel their needs would be regarding a treaty with the foreigners. Ask the students not to show each other the scenario cards. Students are given an opportunity to argue their role playing perspectives and opinions. Students will brainstorm about ten things they wish to have in their treaties with the foreigners. Students will write these ten conditions on the chart paper provided. (25 Minutes). Possible brainstorm: medicine, education, land base, payment or annuities for giving up land, exception from foreign wars, etc. Students will then present to the classroom the various conditions of surrender and treaty that their group has come up with to present to the foreigners. (10 Minutes).
  3. The teacher will take the opportunity to thank the students for their role playing and their thoughts and perspectives. When an agreement is written between two nations it is called a treaty. Students will be asked to think about what Nation in Canada has negotiated a treaty with colonizers. Students will be asked next time to compare and contrast their perspectives and negotiations with that of the First Nations of Canada. (5 minutes).

Evaluation: Group Evaluation Rubric

Foreign Nation Treaty

You and a group of concerned citizens have banned together to try and develop a treaty with the foreigners. While you do not like the fact that the foreigners want you to practice foreign religion and will not budge on that point, you are concerned about the survival of yourself and your future generations. If you fight the foreigners they will only kill you off, there is no hope of survival without a treaty negotiation. You have met with your group and you have decided on seven points to include in your treaty with the foreigners and they are:
















Names of people in group: