Lesson 5

Lesson 5: Cases of Contamination

Lesson 5: Cases of Contamination

The students will look at four recent waterborne illness outbreaks in Canada and the United States. They will use the knowledge from the two previous classes to explain the outbreaks and elaborate on questions regarding the outbreaks.

Milwaukee Case Study

Milwaukee Case Study

Milwaukee receives its water from Lake Michigan. The origin of the contamination was found to be sewage that passed through the plant’s filtration system. Where the sewage came from is still unknown but it might have been run off from a farm or feed lot.

New Orleans Case Study

New Orleans Case Study

The city of New Orleans, Louisiana was one of the areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The bustling city was flooded as the levees protecting the city failed. The flood waters filled the streets with almost every imaginable type of contamination. Fuel, chemical, and biological products combined to make what some people referred to as a “toxic soup”.

North Battleford Case Study

North Battleford Case Study

In March 2001, the solids contact unit in the surface water treatment plant was emptied and all the sludge removed from the bottom in order to inspect, clean and repair a crack that had formed in the cement floor. This type of repair should normally be done in February, so that the spring breakup and runoff will not affect the system.

Walkerton Case Study

Walkerton Case Study

In May 2000, a waterborne disease outbreak occurred in Walkerton, Ontario. Over 2,300 people became ill and seven people died as a result of E. coli 0157:H7 and Campylobacter jejuni contamination in their drinking water. An inquiry was called to determine how the water had become contaminated and if charges should be laid against those directly involved with the treatment of water.

Contamination Case Studies Presentation

Contamination Case Studies Presentation

When Water Goes Bad: A look at four cases of water contamination Let's look at 4 cases from Canada and the US. Milwaukee, WI - Cryptosporidium outbreak; North Battleford, SK - Cryptosporidium outbreak; New Orleans, LA - E. coli, cholera, fecal coliforms; Walkerton, ON - E. coli contamination