
How Is My Water Purified? (Grades 8-12)

How Is My Water Purified? (Grades 8-12)

The students will see the techniques that are used to filter their drinking water. They will get an idea of which pollutants can contaminate our water. The students will see the importance of keeping our water clean.

Water Pollution Question Sheet To Accompany How Is My Water Purified? Lesson

Water Pollution Question Sheet To Accompany How Is My Water Purified? Lesson

1. Define pollution. 2. List 5 ways that water is polluted. 3. List 4 ways in which water is filtered. 4. What part of the water purification process was represented by pouring the polluted water through the strainer? 5. What happened when the filtered water from the strainer was allowed to settle in a test tube and what is this process called?