
Operation Water Flow Curriculum Connections

Operation Water Flow Curriculum Connections

Alberta Grade Six Social Studies 6.1 Citizens Participating in Decision Making 6.1.1: Recognize how individuals and governments interact and bring about change within their local and national communities 6.1.3: Analyze how the democratic ideals of equity and fairness have influenced legislation in Canada over time

They Asked for Your Help! Problem-Based Learning Lesson

They Asked for Your Help! Problem-Based Learning Lesson

1. Have students work individually. 2. Provide the students with the "How Can You Help?" handout. 3. Have the students define the problem and determine what they know about the problem, what they need to learn more about, and where they need to look to find information. 4. Students conduct research, find information, and work towards deciding what they should do. The teacher acts as a metacognitive coach, serving as a model.

A Case Study on Water Pollution in Canada (Grades 6-12)

A Case Study on Water Pollution in Canada (Grades 6-12)

The students will be able to analyze the relationships between large industries in Canada and the natural environment, paying specific attention to water quality. The students will grasp the concept of sociotechnology of use and they will evaluate the sustainability of the mining industry in Ontario.