viral levels

COVID levels in Regina wastewater drop, but remain high: U of R

COVID levels in Regina wastewater drop, but remain high: U of R

University of Regina researchers say the amount of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in the city's wastewater remains high, but is down from previous levels. The latest analysis for the week of Oct. 30 through Nov. 5 showed a mixture in COVID levels for the cities studied. Analysis of the City of Moose Jaw's wastewater shows an increase in virus, putting that city's COVID levels at a moderate-high level.

Sask. researchers see downward trends in COVID-19 wastewater testing

Sask. researchers see downward trends in COVID-19 wastewater testing

The most recent COVID-19 wastewater study from the University of Saskatchewan shows a drop in the amount of COVID-19 virus in sewage samples taken from three cities in the province. On Monday, the Global Institute for Water Security's report showed a decrease of 44 per cent in viral RNA (Ribonucleic acid) in Saskatoon's wastewater samples compared to the previous reporting period.