resort village

Resort Village of Tobin Lake issues water ban

Resort Village of Tobin Lake issues water ban

Those looking to water their lawns up at the Resort Village of Tobin Lake this Canada Day long weekend will be unable to do so. This comes after the resort village issued a municipal order water ban. This means that anyone found irrigating (watering) their lawn will be subject to having their water turned off for the weekend. The resident will then need to make an appointment to have it turned back on, with applicable fees (fines).

Come on in, the water’s fine: Sask. lake shakes off the algae

Come on in, the water’s fine: Sask. lake shakes off the algae

In July, 2022, an SHA notice posted on the resort village’s Facebook page warned people to avoid swimming or skiing and to keep children and pets away from the water. The village later levels of toxic blue-green algae were 600 times higher than recommended for public recreation. This year, it’s a different story. “We don’t have any issues in terms of blue-green algae and E. coli,” said Mattick. “So it’s good for swimming or whatever you want to do.”