residential water meters

Dieppe to test residential water meters as Bathurst considers ditching them

Dieppe to test residential water meters as Bathurst considers ditching them

Two New Brunswick cities are considering opposite approaches when it comes to residential water meters. Bathurst in the northeast has meters but is considering switching to a flat-rate model based on the cost to update its system. Dieppe in the southeast charges a flat rate but will test meters in several hundred homes next year. Meters measure water usage, billing customers at a rate set by the community.

Montreal mayor says no to water meters as city looks to reduce consumption

Montreal mayor says no to water meters as city looks to reduce consumption

As the city of Montreal looks for solutions for its aging, leaky water infrastructure, Mayor Valérie Plante has made it clear that residential water meters are not an option. In theory, meters could be used to charge each household for consumption, thus encouraging people to use less and reduce the strain on a system that is essentially hemorrhaging drinking water.