genomic sequencing

Canadian scientists watching for new COVID variants in airplane wastewater

Canadian scientists watching for new COVID variants in airplane wastewater

As Canadian public health officials question China's transparency in sharing its COVID-19 surveillance information, scientists are stepping up airplane wastewater testing to try to get an early warning of potential new variants. On Friday, Vancouver International Airport will join Toronto's Pearson International Airport in taking samples of fecal matter that came from airplane toilets to identify what coronavirus variants and subvariants passengers and crew might be bringing into Canada.

Open Access A better normal in Canada will need a better detection system for emerging and re-emerging respiratory pathogens

Open Access A better normal in Canada will need a better detection system for emerging and re-emerging respiratory pathogens

A dynamic surveillance system encompassing waste-water testing, representative population-based testing and genomics should be implemented to efficiently monitor pan-respiratory disease trends, rapidly detect resurgences and emergence of novel variants, and respond with tailored and effective public health programs.