Portage la Prairie

Governments exploring non-potable water source for Manitoba industrial park

Governments exploring non-potable water source for Manitoba industrial park

The provincial and federal governments are teaming up to determine the feasibility of a non-potable water source in a Portage la Prairie-area industrial park. On Wednesday, the governments announced they are committing $55,000 to study the possibility of a non-potable water source for tenants of an industrial park in the RM of Portage la Prairie. The water source would be used for non-food processing purposes at the Poplar Bluff Industrial Park.

Taps flow again in Long Plain First Nation after water ran dry

Taps flow again in Long Plain First Nation after water ran dry

Long Plain First Nation had to call on help from its neighbours over the weekend after its water supply ran dry on Friday. Now as tanker trucks haul water from nearby Portage la Prairie to replenish the First Nation's reservoir, leaders in the First Nation are searching for a long-term solution. "I think people are quite concerned by it," Chief Dennis Meeches said about the persistently hot and dry conditions, which drained aquifers that feed the community's reservoir.