Junction Creek Stewardship Committee

New catch basin filters in Sudbury, Ont. capture 31 kg of trash in 3 weeks

New catch basin filters in Sudbury, Ont. capture 31 kg of trash in 3 weeks

A stewardship group in Sudbury, Ont., has installed eight catch basin filters on local waterways that have collected 31 kilograms of garbage so far. A catch basin consists of a grate and a drainage pipe, which are meant to collect large debris.The newly installed filters would help to catch smaller debris such as cigarette butts.  The Junction Creek Stewardship Committee received $98,296 from Environment and Climate Change Canada's EcoAction Grant program to install filters into catch basins throughout the city.

Children's artwork from creek project to be featured around Sudbury

Children's artwork from creek project to be featured around Sudbury

Children across Greater Sudbury have been creating artwork connected to the environment, and some will become marketing posters. It's part of the Tiny Traces along Junction Creek — a project between the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee and Early Childhood Creative Collaboration. It was funded through Healthy Communities Canada.